Sometimes Thinking Hurts

My thoughts about life, crap and such!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

~Great Expectations


Today is the day!

The 4th season of Alias starts! Yay!!!

I'm so excited, so incredibly excited, and not only that, but they put it after LOST! Another good thing.

I remember back a few years ago when Angel followed Buffy was the big night on TV for me, but... I don't want to talk about anything sad! I don't want to ruin my anticipatory high that I have going.

I can't even imagine how frickin' excited I'm gonna be on Sunday, waiting for the second season of Carnivale to start. I'm tellin' you, it's going to be like... well I can't think of anything torturous enough to explain how impatient I'm going to be waiting out the hours. It gets worse the closer it gets, minutes creeping by, constantly watching the clock, counting down.

I usually watch something that I've seen millions of times to make the time go faster, so now I'm watching my DVD's of the previous seasons of Alias. Right now I'm on the first one and I realized something. I really love the very first episode. It's actually my very favorite episode.

Usually among shows that I love, (Buffy, Angel, Dark Angel, Gilmore Girls, etc...) I have a hard time narrowing it down to my favorite episode, but not with Alias. I think the first one was just amazing, incredibly well set up and thought out.

The funny thing about Alias though, is that for me, though I really love the show, I can't seem to watch the second and third seasons like I can the first. I've read in places where people called the third season boring and uneventful, and I totally disagree. I enjoy the third season a hell of a lot more than the second season. I wasn't really fond of the whole Irina Derevko storyline. I hated how they made it like Sydney hated her mother, but loved her, then hated her more, but still loved her. I of course understand that it's a very touchy situation she's in, but it doesn't make me like it any better.

On the other hand, I love the relationship between Sydney and Jack Bristow. I love how they're growing closer. And why did they feel the need to get rid of Will Tippin? I still don't understand how they're trying to explain him away. Witness protection? Come on...

As I'm sitting here thinking about it, I realize what I miss about the first season that the third season seemed to lack, all the fight scenes and the missions. I loved the missions and how she was able to balance the two contrasting worlds she lived in.

Now the show is not so much Sydney Bristow trying to balance out her crazy work life with a normal home life, but more focused on her involvement with the CIA. She has no normal home life to balance it out anymore, and I'm surprised the poor girl's not insane. My favorite character on the show, though I do love Sydney, don't get me wrong, she's the coolest female heroine this side of Sunnydale, but for me, my CIA hero is Jack Bristow.

Okay, that took up a half an hour, now just 20 and a half hours to go until season 4 premieres!

(p.s.) Did I mention Carnivale is in 4 days?


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