Sometimes Thinking Hurts

My thoughts about life, crap and such!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

~Yet Another Thursday


Well, here I am again, another Thursday has come, which means Plush night! Once again being bored, I have taken pictures. I swear one of these days I'm actually going to take a picture of something other than myself. Just kidding.

I actually took quite a few pictures of my niece this weekend, she's very photogenic... maybe I'll post a couple of pics of my sis' family that I took. Let's see...

My sister's family

Okay, from left to right is my sister LaShane and her husband Garth. They have been married since 1989 when they were both teenagers!!

The beauty to their left, our right is my beautiful 15 year old niece Kiara, who'll turn 16 this year (yes, do the math). Kiara's a sophomore in high school and right now can't wait to get her learner's permit! Kiara is like my daughter more than my niece, she spent a lot of time with me when she was a baby and she's still one of my best friends. We were supposed to get our lips pierced together a year ago or so, but I was taking too long for her, so she had her dad take her instead, which of course forced me to get off my butt and get it done about a week after she did!

Next came Garth Jr, the cutie with the glasses, and his minute younger, but much bigger fraternal twin brother Jack. They're 9 years old and while Garth is into sci-fi, science and video games, Jack is loves computers, Sponge Bob, drawing and is a music prodigy. Did I mention he's autistic? An autistic genius!

Last to come is the youngest twins Samuel and Samantha. They're in kindergarten right now. Sam pretty much likes whatever his big brother Garth Jr. likes, and Samantha is a singer to the core. All she does is sing and make up songs, and she's real good too!

Well, that's it folks! That is my sister and her family. I know I didn't say much about her and Garth, but she has a blog of her own that you can check out...
I'm gonna go. Can't wait for the chicken breast salad tonight, gotta eat something now.


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