~Choices On Demand
I swear I am so loving this Charter On Demand thing! The funny thing is, though I haven't exactly ordered any of "pay" movies On Demand, I use the HBO and the Cinemax On Demand to death!
Even when there isn't a movie I want to see on it... or comedy special or anything, I find myself turning there and watching anyway. I tape the episodes of Carnivale, yet I find myself turning to HBO On Demand to watch them instead of popping in my tape. I figure if it's free, you got to use it like crazy before they catch on and decide to charge for it.
Right now though I'm debating on what I want to do. Do I want to write, or scan some pictures so I can use them in later posts, or maybe watch the 7th and final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD. I bought the DVD's a few weeks ago, but had only managed to watch the first 3 episodes before I got a little down remembering how much I love the show and looked forward to seeing it every week.
I think I can handle it now, but do I want to?
Actually I think what I want to do is read Joss Whedon's "FRAY" comics over again, I haven't done that in a while. I'm not really a comic book person, though I do love M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable, which is all about comic books, I just fell in love with Fray. I didn't know so much could be conveyed in such a short space.
Fray is only a 8 comic series, but I heard rumors that Joss was going to make it into a monthly issue, but... I guess he got busy. Either that or rumors just can't be trusted... who'd-a-thunk!
Right now I'm watching Psycho Beach Party with every one's favorite... uh... well... damn, I can't think of anything clever to say about Nicholas Brendan! Anyhow, I think I'm gonna turn off the Party and go for the Buffy episodes.
We have a maintenance man coming over in the morning to fix... or put in a new garbage disposal. He's coming at 10:00 and I said "Yeah, that's fine!" like an idiot when really I haven't been going to sleep until about 8 or 8:30 in the a.m. So now I have to try and get to sleep earlier so I can wake up to have my disposal disposed of.
I swear I am so loving this Charter On Demand thing! The funny thing is, though I haven't exactly ordered any of "pay" movies On Demand, I use the HBO and the Cinemax On Demand to death!
Even when there isn't a movie I want to see on it... or comedy special or anything, I find myself turning there and watching anyway. I tape the episodes of Carnivale, yet I find myself turning to HBO On Demand to watch them instead of popping in my tape. I figure if it's free, you got to use it like crazy before they catch on and decide to charge for it.
Right now though I'm debating on what I want to do. Do I want to write, or scan some pictures so I can use them in later posts, or maybe watch the 7th and final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD. I bought the DVD's a few weeks ago, but had only managed to watch the first 3 episodes before I got a little down remembering how much I love the show and looked forward to seeing it every week.
I think I can handle it now, but do I want to?
Actually I think what I want to do is read Joss Whedon's "FRAY" comics over again, I haven't done that in a while. I'm not really a comic book person, though I do love M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable, which is all about comic books, I just fell in love with Fray. I didn't know so much could be conveyed in such a short space.
Fray is only a 8 comic series, but I heard rumors that Joss was going to make it into a monthly issue, but... I guess he got busy. Either that or rumors just can't be trusted... who'd-a-thunk!
Right now I'm watching Psycho Beach Party with every one's favorite... uh... well... damn, I can't think of anything clever to say about Nicholas Brendan! Anyhow, I think I'm gonna turn off the Party and go for the Buffy episodes.
We have a maintenance man coming over in the morning to fix... or put in a new garbage disposal. He's coming at 10:00 and I said "Yeah, that's fine!" like an idiot when really I haven't been going to sleep until about 8 or 8:30 in the a.m. So now I have to try and get to sleep earlier so I can wake up to have my disposal disposed of.
At 3/23/2005 7:00 PM,
Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said…
Hey, I haven't watched On Demand yet, I look at TV all the time, mostly HBO, when I do go to bed, sometimes not until early in the morning, and I mean I don't get to sleep until 7:00 or even 8:00 also, but I have to take Equate PMs to get to sleep then!, anyway, I look for Mickey Rourke movies, or Keanu Reeves movies, or Stephen Baldwin movies, if there are none of them available, I settle for some minor actors that I like. None of which I can think of right now. I refuse to watch comedies when I am trying to sleep. Only SciFi, or Horror, or Fantasy, will do. Why are we so strange? Was it my side of the family? Was it the combinations? Or, secretly, is it that everybody in the world is strange, just in different ways? Probably.
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