Wow, it's been a while since I've blogged. Not purposely though, my attentions have been distracted a bit. The book I've waited so long for has finally come out, and with me, I can't just read it once, but at least 6 or 7 times, and then after that, I have to listen to the MP3 of the book that I also bought, so that I get a much better understanding of the book and the entire series. It's much like being a true fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. You can't just watch an episode once and expect to have gotten all that it has to offer, you can't assume you fully understand what's going on after one viewing.
The Meredith Gentry books are the same exact way, which may be the reason I love them so much. They, along with the HBO series Carnivale, have given me back what my life has been missing since the ending of Buffy (and Firefly I must say).
Anywho, I'm on my second reading of the fourth book, A Stroke of Midnight and already seeing things I either didn't see, or was just too excited to fully focus on the first time I read it.
I'm watching the Boomerang Channel right now, Looney Tunes is on. I never realized how funny I thought Bugs Bunny was until I became an adult. I also never realized that it's Tunes and not Toons until right this very moment. Sad, sad thing!
1). You find yourself saying the same things to kids that your parents used to say to you.
1). You find yourself saying the same things to kids that your parents used to say to you.
2). You wish that when you were in junior high school, there were boys as cute as the ones is junior high school today.
2). You wish that when you were in junior high school, there were boys as cute as the ones is junior high school today.
3). You finally understand the cartoons you used to watch when you were a kid.
3). You finally understand the cartoons you used to watch when you were a kid.
At 4/17/2005 8:13 PM,
Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said…
Oh yes, I totally agree. I was thinking about how they could make a movie of ASoM, and then I blushed, and you know why!! I think it would be better to see it as Japanese Anime, rather than with flesh and blood humans playing the parts!!! Yeah, none of the boys in my junior high school are as cute as boys are today!!! Only now, I'm old enough to be all of their GRANDMOTHER!!!!! wahhhhh! I wanna start over!!!!
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