~New Things
I got a new computer despite the fact that I didn't need one, but more like wanted one. My other one was only a year old, if that, but I sold it to my cousin for $500 then ordered this one on the Sears card. The card is actually my mom's, but she never used it, so a while ago she told me that I could have it, so I use it occasionally.
I love the Sears Card, the only down thing about it is the interest charges. I'm probably going to be paying off this computer for a long time, but hey, it's a computer. If there's one thing that's worth debt, it's a laptop. What I love the most though is that I ordered it 3/14/05 and it came early today 3/16/05, how cool is that?
The last of my tax money came in the mail yesterday, which is always fun. I bought a new rug for my living room, which I love. I think it just totally changes the look of the whole apartment. The whole last night while writing on my ex-computer I kept running my hands and feet over the rug thinking "Ooow, this is niiice."
I'm actually lying on it now, thinking the same thing. Yes I have embraced my dorkiness, and by now I'm proud of it. Speaking of dorkiness, the other day we (I forgot who the we actually is, but bear with me here) were talking about making new shirts for our IDWEEB, and someone (I think it was my sister LaShane) brought up the idea of a shirt that says I'm NOT a dork, I'm a whale's penis.
There's no real purpose behind that story, I just thought it was funny and deserved a mention because it cracked us up.
Okay, getting used to typing on this new computer.
New, what else is new? My outlook on life? Nah. Oh... I bought more movies to add to the list I posted in the Money, Movies and ... post. Now of course I don't absolutely LOVE all my movies, but I do only buy movies that I like. I think people's interest in movies and music is a personal thing, it all depends on what gets you. Anyhow, let's see, new movies I got...
The Blue Lagoon, Evolution, Frailty, The Governess, The Incredibles, Oceans Eleven, Pitch Black, Punch Drunk Love, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Return To The Blue Lagoon, The Rules Of Attraction, Save The Last Dance, Terminator 2: T2, Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines, The Truth About Charlie, Whatever It Takes, X-Men 1.5, X2: X-Men United
Now that means I only have about 500 more to go. I hate it when I want so many things. I guess it's just a great thing for me that I don't care if I get most of my DVD's used. I like to buy them off Amazon.com from the vendors. My second favorite place is to get them from Walmart in the $5.50 bin.
Anyhow... tomorrow is Thursday which of course means Plush! My second favorite place to be (my apartment is first and Walmart is third). About 4 weeks ago there was a guy who showed up at Plush (in Fullerton) who looked like Vin Diesel (or previously known as Mark Vincent). He looked an awful lot like Vin, but had lighter eyes and was a bit shorter... also cuter (could've been the light eyes).
Then the other night Michelle, Charlene, mom and I were at Norm's (here in Riverside) and Michelle looks behind my mom and me and says It's that Vin Diesel guy. It was a surprise for us because of course we all thought he was cute, but we had only seen him once in Fullerton, then nearly a month later to see him in Riverside, which according to mapquest.com is 33.41 miles from Fullerton. Or at least that's how far it is from my apartment to Plush.
True, 33 miles isn't that far, I mean it's not like seeing the guy in Fullerton CA, then again in Rome, Italy or anything, but it was funny to us. I guess the true funny part was that we not only recognized him, but he recognized us as well, making sure to say hi. I only mention it because he's a cutie...
Anyhow, I guess that's all for now.
At 3/23/2005 6:28 PM,
Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said…
Gosh LaShane, you really have a HUGE opinion of yourself!!! (Smile)
You being so pretty and dainty! Oh, well, I've never seen a Whale's penis, not that I haven't looked!! (Just kidding). By the way, to those who don't know, DORK means "Whale Penis". So, there. Cherokee, you ROCK!!! I love the way you have decorated your apartment, being as how I have to live here too. It is so comfy, and cute! I still love LaShane's kid's bathroom the best, though. It looks like what I think a bathroom should look like, lots of blues and fish all over the place, (I just miss SpongeBob, and Patrick and the bunch, but then Jack would probably NEVER come out of there then), huh? You ladies make me so proud!!
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