Sometimes Thinking Hurts

My thoughts about life, crap and such!

Friday, January 14, 2005

~Christina Aguilera 2005 calendar photos




I love Christina Aguilera... actually that's an understatement. I LOVE Christina Aguilera. I am like one of those crazy Elvis fans that people just see them and simply shake their heads and say "That's sad." That's me, I am one of those sad, over-obsessed fans for Christina Aguilera.

She came out with a calendar for the new year, and I bought it a month ago or so from The calendar only cost $10, but with shipping and handling it brought it up to $14, which for me is still a great price. I would have spent $50 for the calendar, but it was only $10.

So, I'm out shopping today with my mom and two cousins Michelle and Charlene. We practically live at stores like Walmart and Target and things. The main point of this story takes place at the 99 cent only store. We're walking down the aisles, looking at things, we were looking at the old DVD's when I hear Michelle call me.

I turn around to see what she wants and am incredibly shocked to see that she's holding up the same Christina Aguilera calendar that I had just purchased at for $14 and now have hanging on my wall.

99 cents... they were selling the calendar for 99 freakin cents... UNBELIEVABLE! Of course I bought another one for myself and one for my sister.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

~Happy Camper Am I


In all my excitement for the new season of Carnivale to start at 9:00, I forgot some very important news!

I now have HBO East! Believe me, you can not even come close to imagining how incredibly excited I was when that little pearl of info hit me! I DON'T HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL 9:00! Yippee!

If you could see me, you'd know that I'm doing cartwheels... well not really, but I figure all is fair in cyberspace!

48 minutes to go...



Just getting ready to turn off my computer and go to sleep and wanted to say... 16 hours until Carnivale!

This is so freakin' exciting it's almost too much to bear!