~Sin City

There are times when you look forward to something, and get so hyped about something that when that something actually happens you're so let down. Like for instance the second season premiere of Tru Calling, what a let down, almost a waste... or say waiting to taste the Nestle Tollhouse Candybar, but believe me when I say Sin City is not one of these times!!!
In my opinion, Sin City is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. It is definitely the best comic turned movie out there. Of course with me being as slow as I am, I need to see it a couple more times before I have anything really deep to say about it, but I LOVED it!
Though I really like all three of the storylines, I like the first and the third the best. Mickey Rourke and Bruce Willis were both just awesome in their roles, though I think the whole movie was brilliantly cast. And can I just say the character Miho was awesome! She was so badass, and Elijah Wood's Kevin character was out and out creepy.
I read in some places that Jessica Alba's refusal to go topless stood out with all the other nudity in the film, but I totally disagree. Of course I only have read that from men who no doubtedly only want to see Ms. Alba's breastage, but come on, she doesn't have to be nude, or even partially nude to appreciate the beauty and sexiness she brought to the character.
Anyhow, that's all I have to say about that for now! Here's a pic of my mom, my sis and me before leaving to see Sin City!

Sin City