Sometimes Thinking Hurts

My thoughts about life, crap and such!

Friday, March 04, 2005

~Delayed Reaction


Okay, though I know it's Friday afternoon and Alias came on Wednesday night, I'm just getting around to wanting to talk about it.

The truth of the matter is, I am so incredibly disappointed in the show it's just not even funny. I hate it when good shows gone bad. Even back when Buffy was in it's 6th season, I was disappointed in the path it was taking, but I still loved the show to death. Of course though with Buffy I only hated the whole Spike and Buffy thing, not the writing of the show.

Then again, with Alias it could be only the fact that it's so early on in the show. When last year I heard that they weren't going to put the 4th season on until January so they could run the whole season without repeats and much interruption, I thought, Wow, what a great idea. I mean because if all TV stations did things that way then we could have twice as many TV shows on in a season. Of course there's always the chance of them trying to bring more crap "reality" shows on too, but I guess you have to take the good with the bad.

Anyhow, I'm getting off topic here. I thought it was a great idea to postpone the new season of Alias, but now I see that it was a mistake. I'm realizing that other TV shows are nearing the end of their season, wrapping things up, and Alias hasn't even gotten into the meat of the season yet, and it's bugging the heck out of me. I feel like it should be farther along in the storyline.

Oh, don't get me wrong, that's not the only thing wrong with Alias this season though. The writing is turning to CRAP! I mean Sark was so in love with Lauren? Come on! He had been with Alison for a long time, and didn't bat an eyelash when she was killed at the hand of Will, but he was with Lauren for a couple of months and suddenly she was the love of his life? PLEASE!

And when did Lauren love him? I understand that he was trying to get a rise out of Vaughn when he said that to him, but if Vaughn is as smart as we've been lead to believe, he'd know that Lauren was an evil bitch who didn't love anyone. I hate it when writers don't keep up with the continuity of the show.

When Sark was talking to Sloane, he said that just four years ago he had fooled people into believing they were working for the CIA while employed by SD-6, and actually it was a lot longer ago than that. Though this is the fourth season of the show, during the first season we learn that Sydney had been working for SD-6 for 7 years believing she was working for the CIA.
Besides that, at the end of season 2, we learn that Sydney had been missing for nearly 2 years, so from the time the show first started until the end of the second season it's actually 4 years, which means that now, 6 years have passed in Alias time. Sydney and the rest of her unit of the CIA had closed down SD-6 near the middle of season 2, which means that 4 years ago (in Alias time) is around the time that everyone found out that SD-6 wasn't a part of the CIA, not when Sloane fooled them into believing they were working for them.

Come on people, if the fans can follow along, why can't the writers? Since this is their livelihood and how they earn their living, shouldn't they be more engrossed in the show than the fans? Shouldn't the realism of the show mean more to them? You would think JJ Abrams would be more concerned at the path the show is taking considering the crappy turn Felicity took years ago.

I just pray LOST doesn't take this horrible turn.

Oh well, I guess for now, all my TV hopes lie in Carnivale! (I'm still loving Gilmore Girls though, especially since Luke and Lorelai are happily back together!)


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

~Share Time


I'm in the mood to share. Of course when I'm posting it usually means I'm in the mood to share. Any how, now I'm much more in the mood for share time, I felt like sharing a look into my apartment. I've been taking pictures of it because I'm redecorating. I'm still not done, right now I'm wanting to do more with the walls and am really wanting to get a new rug, but when you have limited funds you have to take these things one step at a time. Here's the first set of pictures, that start with my entertainment center.

I love my digital camera, it allows me to do silly things like this. Anyway, it's a pretty small apartment, but it's completely me. I love plants and I love fabric. If I didn't have to worry about covering up the smoke detector I'd totally cover the entire ceiling with fabric as well. Anyone who's a true fan of the ex-TV show Firefly will understand when I say I LOVE how Inara had her shuttle decorated. That's what I'm going for now... the cloth covered walls I mean. Right now I only have the one wall, as seen in the previous pictures, but I'm definitely going to cover the rest of the walls since painting is out of the question. I'm gonna go for a lighter color than the black though. Most likely it'll be taupe or a dusty rose or even a light peach... something like that. Here's the second set of pics.

As I said before, it's a pretty small place, but it's homey. My mom doesn't care about decorating, she could live in a cardboard box if she could have her computer hooked up in it, but I care. I've found my tastes have grown though, even from the time we moved in here back in 2002. The one thing I don't really like about this apartment is the kitchen, it's way too small, but hey, you gotta work with what you have. I'm kind of dying to sand and paint the cabinets though, but, that's just a dream! I was thinking about skipping taking pictures of the kitchen though because I haven't done dishes in a couple days (I never said I wasn't lazy at times). Of course since it's just me and my mom so we don't use many dishes (paper plates baby), but it's still a dirty kitchen.

Though pretty much everything in this little corner here is mine, I consider it my mother's corner, because she spends a great part of her time over here on the computer (you can see her in the pictures not above these but the ones above those). I love this plant here, though I have quite a few plants, this is my actual favorite. Of course I love my posters of Justin, Sarah and Christina, though my mom actually looks at them more then I do.

This set of pictures ends where the first set starts, so it's actually a complete view of the apartment. The living room and dining room anyway. Though the majority of stuff in my moms bedroom is mine too, it's her space so if she wants it to be seen, I'll leave it to her. The painting on the wall in the living room is actually one my brother did back in the 80's. Actually both of the grey paintings are ones my brother did back in the 80's. He's a great artist, but hasn't painted since. Now he's more into computers and what not. The paintings still garner tons of attention though. Every time the mail man brings me a package he comments on how much he likes the painting. He's a freaky man. I don't trust him actually, but I'll leave that story for another post. I'll just say if the painting ever turns up missing, I'll know where to tell the cops to start looking for it.

Oh well, I guess that's enough sharing for now, but you better believe I'm going to be posting more pics once I finish the walls and get my new rug. I actually want to not just change things, but also I want to get rid of stuff, but I have no idea what. I see everything as a necessity. My dad is a pack rat and I hated that completely, so I know that's not my fate, but... oh well. Maybe I'll flip a coin to decide which crap to rid my apartment of. I already had to toss out a nice leather couch because my sister brought over a futon for me to sleep on and there just isn't room for both. Sad thing! That's another thing I dislike about this apartment... only one bedroom.

Okay, really that's enough sharing now. I actually am going to leave now.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

~So Happy Together


Okay, I think it's a pretty well established fact that I am pathetic and live vicariously through my favorite TV shows, so with that in mind I just want to say LUKE AND LORELAI ARE BACK TOGETHER!

Can I get a big frickin' Woohoo?!

(p.s.) How happy am I that The Incredibles is coming out on DVD March 15th!


~Carnivale and Cell Phones


Okeydokey, here I am again. I just finished enabling comments on both my blog and my mom's, of course now I'm the only one who's commented on both blog sites.

Anyhow, Monday night... Medium came on tonight. I like Medium, but I really miss CSI Miami. I'm just glad that repeats of the show come on Sudays. Anyhow... Carnivale, wow what a show! I only have one gripe about the show and that has to do with the Rita Sue, Stumpy story line. I hate that they invest so much time on them when they don't need it. For me, all it does is cut into time where they could be focusing on the Ben and Brother Justin storyline.

It's funny because the first season I couldn't stand Rita Sue, but this season it's Stumpy who I just want to flick on the ears! He's so frickin' annoying.

On a side note, I will say that I knew Sofie was gonna end up workin' at Brother Justin's house. I told my sister I had feeling that's where Sofie was going to end up after she left the Carnie a couple episodes ago.

Anyhow, enough of my brilliant foresight...

I got a new cellphone the other day, T-Mobile. I didn't realize until after I got it that it's the exact same phone that my 15 year old niece Kiara has. She's just so cute that I always joke to her saying "Why can't I be you?", I even go as far as singing The Cure's song of the same name to her. Now it's kind of pathetic because I'm starting to realize that maybe deep down I really do want to be my niece.

Not that I want to go back to being a teenager again or anything. That's like the last thing I'd want to do, but she's just so cute it's not fair.

Anyhow, my new phone... my cousin Michelle has a phone from Attwireless, who has just been taken over by Cingular, and she says the service sucks now. The funny thing is, whenever she tries to call me it goes straight to voice mail, but it's only when she calls. Since I got my residential phone cut off, she now has to call my mom's cell, which was my cell phone, which was handed down to me from my niece Kiara (Why can't I be you?) when she got a new phone, which was given to her when her mother got a new phone... that phone really has made its rounds.

I really have no need for cell phone though, other than to be able to play games on it when I get bored. And for that I still have my gameboys... but of course I'm going to use the phone because hey, it's games on a phone.

The other day while we were in Wal*Mart, the Cingular guy asked us if we had cellphones, and when both Michelle and I said yes, he asked what services we had. I said T-Mobile and Michelle said Attwireless/Cingular and that she hated it. She said that it sucked since it changed over to Cingular. The guy was trying to convince her that it was the exact same service she's always had, that Attwireless was just taken over by Cingular but her service hadn't changed, but Michelle was like It's not the same.

They pretty much got into an argument in the middle of Wal*Mart, it was funny, but the guy finally just walked away because he was trying to talk some other people into switching over to Cingular.

I really haven't had T-Mobile long enough to say one way or another, but I do know that inside my apartment the reception is horrible.

My brother has Sprint and I remember not that long ago my brother was talking to my sister from his cell phone. He said that he can see the Sprint building (or whatever) from his apartment window and the reception was still so bad that he had to be huddled in a corner while he talked on it because that was the only place it would work.

Technology is a wonderful thing but it's still a work in progress. It would be cool if "they" would work more on getting better reception than trying to cram so much crap into one small device. I mean come on, who really needs a cellphone that can also double as a video camera?

I love technology, but I suck at it. One thing I don't like is not being able to figure something out and technology falls under that category. My brother had given me an Apple Airport basestation to set up my home wireless network. It has to be reset and it took me hours of trying to hook up my and my mom's computer until I finally broke down and read every single instruction I could find and saw that in order to fully reset it to it's default settings, it has to be done on a Mac computer. I kept wonderin how come after I did a hard reset it was just blank and nothing showed up when I'd open the Airport Admin Utility and nothing would show up on the Base Station Chooser.

It was really starting to frustrate me. Now I know that I'll just take it back to Plush with me on Thursday (or even Saturday) and reset it (and download whatever it is I need to download onto the base station) while I'm there since my brother only has Mac computers. He's a complete Mac man.

Anyhow, I've seen this Forensic Files that's on Court TV at least 6 times already so time to do the impossible... find a DVD to watch (or listen to anyway).

(p.s.) I bought 3 more DVD's to add to my list, but I'll wait until I have a few more until I add them to the list.