Sometimes Thinking Hurts

My thoughts about life, crap and such!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

~Regarding Mr. Sutherland

Please keep in mind that since I was not at Plush on Saturday night, all this info on a one Mr. Kiefer Sutherland is all hearsay...
According to my sister Ann, KS was drunk and in good spirits (Plush sells beer and wine alongside the coffee drinks, smoothies and slushies), but said he had a good time and liked it there.
As far as I know, he didn't have anyone (such as body guards or the like) with him. He just came to hear his friend's band play. As for the bands who played... the main band of the night was a band named Deccatree, who my sister Ann says is her favorite of the bands that visit Plush. Their special guest for the night was a band called The Rocco DeLucca Band (or some such name).
It was The Rocco DeLucca Band who Kiefer came to hear play.
That, my friends, is all the scoop I have on the Kiefer Sutherland poop. Hopefully he'll visit again.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

~You Never Know


I didn't get the chance to make it to Plush on Thursday night, and I missed it. It actually has been throwing off my sense of... well I can't really think of anything good to say, but it's been throwing me off.

To make matters worse, with the being thrown off and everything, I did get a chance to get over to Plush yesterday, Saturday. My brother-in-law Garth is going for training (to be a prison guard) today and yesterday we had a little going away party for him there, so that really threw me off a bit.

Anyhow, my brother Gil (or Gino to his family) and Ann (my big sistah as she says) were asking if we were going to be able to stay for the band that was performing that night, but we couldn't. Michelle is sick with bronchitis (sp?), which is why we weren't able to make it out on Thursday, anyway, so we leave at about 6:00. Then later that night, or actually the next morning at like 1:45 a.m. I get an e-mail from my brother titled, To bad you guys couldn't stay...

I open the e-mail and he says a line or two about the band and how tired he and Ann are, but it was cool and nights like that make it all worth it. He attached a picture and just said actor... I look at the pic and am like, That kind of looks like Kiefer Sutherland. I look a bit longer and say That IS Kiefer Sutherland.

How cool is it that Kiefer Sutherland showed up at Plush? Of course I had to call Michelle to tell her and she was like Of course it's on a night where we leave early!

Of course it was, that's always how things happen in our lives.

Anyway, that's just another reason why I love Plush Cafe, you never know who's going to show up!

My fingers are crossed for next time the surprise being Christina Aguilera!